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Signs & Symptoms of Illness

Signs and Symptoms of Illness


  • Axillary temperature less than 97 degrees F (36º C) or higher than 100.4 F (38 º C). If your baby is less than 97 degrees, the best way to warm them up is by placing them skin to skin with you. Another option is a blanket warmed in the dryer. If your baby is too warm, look at your surroundings. Do you have too many clothes or blankets on them? Go through your checklist below to decide if your baby is not feeling well.



Does your baby have any of the following?

  • Decreased appetite: Have they gone more than 5 hours between feedings?  A baby may not always eat perfectly every time. They should not have less than half their normal feeding volume more than 2 feedings in a row.


  • Difficulty with feeding (breast or bottle).


  • Diarrhea: Stools that are more frequent and contain more water than usual.  As your baby is getting closer to going home, you should be familiar with your baby’s normal stool patterns and color. Call your doctor immediately if there is blood in the stool.


  • Vomiting: More than 2 full feedings in 24 hours.


  • Less than 6 wet diapers in 24 hours (sign of dehydration).


  • Infection of the umbilical area. Is area is red, swollen, foul smelling, blistered or draining fluid?


  • Diaper rash that doesn’t respond to treatment.


  • Any unexplained rash.


  • Thrush: White patches on tongue, or inside of cheeks, that cannot be wiped off.


  • Increased fussiness: Crying that persists after usual soothing methods have been attempted.


  • Difficult to wake up or not as active as usual.


  • Difficulty breathing.


  • Blue or pale colored skin (blue coloring of the lips and/or tongue).


  • Convulsions: Abnormal jerking/twitching movement that cannot be stopped with firm touch.

    Please contact your health care provider if your baby develops ANY of the above problems.

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